Are you looking for another nail art trend? Look no further than the watercolour! The technique of painting with watercolour paints involves applying a very diluted colour, which causes the colouring to spill out and shading occurs – depending on the skill – more or less intentional.
Watercolour nail paints – what you should know about them?
In terms of consistency, watercolour nail paints resemble classic watercolour paints for painting on paper. When decorating with watercolours, it is important to use the right brush – long, thin, round or pointed brushes made of natural bristles work best to create the perfect ornament. For greater transparency of the pattern, you must additionally dilute the paint with water. The brush can be freely drained on a paper towel or, on the contrary, soaked and added water to dilute the too intense colour and give a stained-glass expression. The intensity of the pattern is affected by the humidity of the brush. It will be convenient to dilute and mix the paints on a separate, dedicated palette.
How to work with watercolours paints on nails?
There are two ways of working with watercolours – “wet on wet” – we put another wet layer on the wet layer of colour. The speed and precision of execution are essential here – to prevent the colour from drying out. Another way is to put the next layer of colour on the previous dried coating. Depending on the chosen technique, we will get a different effect.
The effect of watercolours on nails – best decorations
For styling using watercolour paints, a nail plate should be standard. Styling is best done with a light hybrid varnish – bright colours will best show our precise, translucent pattern. Of course, nothing prevents you from experimenting with light watercolour on a dark base.
The painted pattern should always be protected with a topcoat, single-phase gel or hybrid top, not forgetting to carefully protect the free edge of the nail – watercolour paints are not resistant to cleaning agents and water.
Which nail art patterns are the best?
Flowers are the most common patterns made using the acrylic technique – this allows them to remain volatile and light. Lace, figures or landscapes are also often made. The technique of working with watercolour is hard to be mistaken for something else, the designs are light and interesting, without sharp elements and details.
If you like experiments, you can combine fuzzy patterns made with watercolour paints with more robust contours or geometric elements made with acrylic paints.
Watercolour designs are characterized by almost mesmerizing lightness – have you tried to make such decorations?
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