Mixing Tool

Mixing Tool


1 in stock

Do you sometimes notice during your work that there is a strange residue in your pigment? That’s normal! But Indigo mixing tool will help you in making your products their original properties! This small and handy tool was designed to mix components of paints, gels and acrylics. With its help, you’ll be able to mix different shades of gel polish to create a custom colour! However, there is a number of other ways you can use this mixing tool! The thin spatula can help you with separating the from structured nail without danger of breaking the nail. A precise stir rod will scoop just the right amount of product to apply on the nail.



Products Indigo Nails are intended only for professional use by certified Nail Stylist. To use products correctly, it is necessary to complete the training.

1 in stock

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Indigo Mixing tool has a flat spatula on both ends – one is slightly smaller and thinner. The tool is made out of high-quality stainless steel.

The most common mistakes that lead to rusty tools:

the wrong sterilising process or disinfecting the tools in a wrong way,
soaking the tools in disinfecting solution for too long,
using the wrong disinfecting or cleaning solutions,
the wrong concentration of disinfecting and cleaning solutions,
using “freshly” prepared disinfecting solutions for a couple of times,
sterilising wet, not dried tools in high temperatures
wrong time of sterilisation,
using tap water in the autoclave,
dirty water in the autoclave,
storing tools in a wrong way,
The basis of durable Gel Polish manicure with Pixel Effect is using the recommended Indigo products and passing a professional technical training in Gel Polish manicure.

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